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East Coast Wedding Band

wedding music

East Coast Wedding Band


Our band, East Coast is a six to ten piece party band featuring five male and female lead vocalists, a dynamite horn section and rave reviews.


band13, East Coast Wedding Band
East Coast Wedding Band

With a versatile repertoire, East Coast can help you achieve the ambiance you desire. Our outstanding reviews are a testament to our unique and professional performances. Weddings are all about celebrating and creating memories. Choosing East Coast will ensure that your wedding event will be praised by your guests for years to come.


We have extensive experience in many types of music and a long song list to accommodate your needs. Whether you want the right dance tune to get guests up and dancing or the nostalgic song from family memories, East Coast is happy to oblige! Making your event the best experience possible is our top priority. East Coast is unsurpassed as the top choice for a live wedding band!


There are many options when choosing the right entertainment for your wedding reception. East Coast provides the best entertainment at fair prices for your special day! East Coast Music and Entertainment has been consistently chosen as Long Island’s top pick for live wedding entertainment.


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